If your child is having difficulty in one or more subject areas, there is help available to ensure their success. Most often, parents are not aware that their child is doing poorly in school until the report card arrives. Many students believe that they can put in some last minute work to bump up their mark before the report card is finalized. What many students struggle with is their time management skills, which can be improved through home tutoring services.
What is a tutor?
If you live in a large town or city, it is likely that you will have a learning centre in close proximity. These businesses offer alternative settings for students to complete homework and projects with the assistance of learning supervisors. These professionals track the progress of the students and offer alternative ways to approach learning. Although many of these centres are ideal for students who are struggling in school, it is often challenging to motivate your child to attend programming after school.
Students already spend long hours in class each day, therefore they are reluctant to want to attend alternative schooling in the evening. What many students would benefit from is having a tutor work with them at home in the subject areas that they are having difficulties with. Depending on where you live, you may be able to hire a professional from a learning centre to visit your home. Instead of having your children venture out to an alternative school setting, they are able to work on their academic skills in the comfort of their own home. This will allow them to build skills so they are able to complete their work at home without becoming distracted.
Hiring professionals from learning centres can often become costly. You may be able to ask around your neighbourhood to see if there are any tutors available. Often retired school teachers, university and college students and even high achieving high school students will offer their tutoring services for more affordable rates. If you are unable to find a tutor through recommendation or by word of mouth, you may want to approach the school and see if they are a list of students who are willing to tutor. Quite often high school students need service hours and university and college students want some teaching experience.
Living in a larger city centre can make it challenging to find affordable help. It may be possible for you to build your own tutoring or mentoring program. For instance, you may be able to gather a group of individuals and develop a tutoring program for all of the students in the building. This would allow the students to stay in the comfort of their own home and could be run by adults and upper year students within the building. The other positive aspect of this type of tutoring service is that it would be free.